The system is configured as a strategic work in the integrated management of waste in
order to reduce the disposal costs of Asbestos Containing Materials and it falls under the
category of landfills for the transfer of hazardous waste, in accordance with D.Lgs. No.
36/03 and D.Lgs. No. 152/06 and further amendments. The main type of incoming waste
will be constituted by asbestos-containing materials from remediation sites of these
materials (EWC codes planned: 06 07 01*, 06 13 04*, 10 13 09*, 10 13 10, 15 01 11*, 16 02 12*,
17 06 01, 17 06 05*, 19 03 04*, 19 03 06).
The plant has been designed in such a way as to allow a waste management conferred in
separate cells on the basis of the typology and the dangerousness of the same material;
in total were provided five cells managed separately and independently from each other
for a total volume of approximately 500.000 m³ available. Particular attention has been
taken in the design of the waterproofing layer at the bottom and on the walls, in order
to avoid any possibility of leaching of pollutants into the ground water; placed materials
(carefully sealed) will be daily covered with inert material in order to avoid any possible
air dispersion of fibers or waste.
On the bottom of the landfill has been arranged a double network for the uptake of the
leachate from the waste delivered, the first for the ordinary drainage and the second, the
lower one, for the safety drainage. The networks of leachate converge to two separate
wells of the collection and recovery, in order to allow temporary storage of leachate
within separate and dedicated units; leachate is then pumped to the treatment plant,
from which is obtained a clarified effluent (compatible with the limits established by
D.Lgs. No. 152/06 and further amendments, for discharges into the surface water bodies