“Italy must combine imagination, planning capacity and concreteness, to pass on to future generations a more modern country, within a stronger and more united Europe”

Owac’s commitment to the national recovery and resilience plan (NRRP)
Our motto, “Think green-act circular,” reminds us that thought and action sustain each other to generate a new model of development for our wellbeing and that of the planet we inhabit.
Today, OWAC Engineering Company is engaged in the development of NRRP-related projects for various public authority clients and various types of plant installations:
The NRRP is part of a broader and more ambitious strategy for the modernisation of the country. The government intends to update the national strategies on sustainable development and mobility, environment and climate, hydrogen fuel, automotive, and the health sector.
Consisting of six Missions and 16 Components, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) emerged from an intense dialogue in recent months between the Italian Parliament and the European Commission on the basis of the RRF Facility. It is fully consistent with the six pillars of the NGEU and largely meets the parameters set by the European regulations on the quotas for “green” and digital projects.
The six Missions of the Plan are:
- Digitalisation, Innovation, Competitiveness
- Culture and Tourism
- Green revolution and Ecological transition
- Infrastructure for sustainable mobility
- Education and Research
- Inclusion and cohesion, Health.
The European Action Plan on Circular Economy and “From Producer to Consumer” are at the heart of the European Green Deal initiative and aim at a new and better balance between nature, food systems, biodiversity and circularity of resources.
In this context, in September 2020, Italy transposed the directives of the “Circular Economy Package” with the OBJECTIVES to recycle municipal waste: at least 55% by 2025, 60% by 2030, 65% by 2035 and a limitation of their disposal in landfill to no more than 10% by 2035.
Italy’s project proposals on the circular economy within the NRRP aim at improving waste management and the circular economy through the modernisation and development of waste treatment plants.
M2C1.1 Enhancing the capacity for efficient and sustainable waste management and the circular economy paradigm
Investment 1.1: Construction of new waste management facilities and modernisation of existing facilities
The proposed investments are aimed at bridging the gaps in waste management performance related to plant capacity and quality standards that exist between the various Italian regions, with the goal of catching up with the current and new targets set by European and national legislation.
All integrated waste collection, management, treatment, recovery and disposal systems aim to:
- reduce waste production at source;
- implement, expand and streamline;
- sorted waste collection;
- improve systems for recovering materials from waste;
- promote and streamline systems for recovering energy from waste;
- minimise residual landfill waste.
The entire integrated waste management system thus becomes a clear example of circular economy applied to waste production, which constitutes a real resource, in terms of material and energy recovery, for the benefit of the community that generated it.