“The challenge for Smart STIR plants will be to perform waste treatment activities with the same effectiveness as traditional STIR plants in the coming decade.”
Rocco Martello
Naples, June 14, 2024
The three-day General Assembly on the Environment in Campania, held at the Mostra d’Oltremare in Naples as part of the Green Med Expo & Symposium, concluded with a meeting dedicated to the urban waste management system in Italy and the Campania Region. Particular attention was given to the work carried out by the Campania Region in recent years, with a focus on both financial investments and the innovative technological choices planned for treatment facilities.
During the final panel, attended by the Vice President of the Campania Region, Fulvio Bonavitacola, and the Deputy Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Vannia Gava, Engineer Rocco Martello presented the project for the modernization of STIR facilities (Waste Shredding and Sorting Plants) from the General Assembly podium.
These new technologies will enable an increase in the potential recovery of materials present in the waste to be treated, such as plastics, metal alloys, and in the future, even fabrics, thereby enhancing the recovery/recycling process.
Interview with Rocco Martello – CEO and Founder of OWAC s.r.l. Engineering Company
The Urban Waste Management System in Italy and the Campania Region
The largest event in Southern Italy dedicated to the environment, waste collection and management, and circular economies concluded with presentations from professionals and companies operating in the sector.
- Zero new landfills through landfill mining;
- Zero new incinerators through increased recycling and Smart STIR systems;
- New composting facilities;
- New techniques for reuse and recycling.
At the General Assembly on the Environment, Campania is writing a “new chapter” in waste management.